Big Stuff Update

So…there’s a lot that’s gone on since I last updated my website (bad belly dancer, no cookie!)

Bad news first. Unfortunately, due to the cancellation of the Las Vegas Belly Dance Intensive for 2016, I will not be in Las Vegas in September. More details haven’t been forthcoming, but as I get them, I will update.

Good news next. And a big one.

I’ve been hiding a big secret, and that’s that I am transitioning. If you have been a part of my Facebook family, you know this already. But now I’m telling the wider world. So, expect bigger changes on the website in the near future. I’ll have new pictures, new workshops, and my poor little email list will return!

I will also be more involved in other performance communities, namely the drag community. So…you might see more of that here, too!

Thank you all for being so supportive of me during my transition. It means the world to me.

From here on, please use they/them (or alternatively, he/him) pronouns for me.