I am so, so excited to be a part of the Raks Geek Chicago show! Haven’t heard of it? Maybe you should check out this video. It’s nuts (in a good way!). Raks Geek is a fantastic show, and I am honored to be a part of it. Come for the belly dance, come for the fire, come for the nerdy, geeky fun! You’ll see me as a Silent Hill Nurse, a Sith Lord, and a certain One Winged Angel…
Want tickets? Go here to buy your tickets now! Show is August 16th and 17th, starting at 11:00pm both nights at the Prop Thtr.
In other news, I will be starting classes at Arabesque here in Chicago as well! I’m so excited! The classes start THIS MONDAY, July 29th, at 6:10pm. Come prepared to sweat and drill.