Chicago, Here I Come!

First of all, thank you to all who came and voted for me for the Tucson RAWards Semi-Finals show!  I didn’t make the finals, but I still had a wonderful time, and met a lot of wonderful people.  But!  Change is now on the horizon, for I’m moving to CHICAGO!

That’s right, Chicago is about to get a new belly dancer!  I’m really looking forward to this move, though I will miss Tucson.  Thank you to all in Tucson who supported me and believed in me.

Stay tuned for more information, but please know that updates and news will be sporadic until the move happens and we get settled into our new place.  You can keep up with me through Facebook and Twitter (just click the fun little buttons under my picture to get you there).  You can also join my email list (check out the upper left!)

See you in Chicago!