My Killer Isolations DVD should be available soon! I was originally planning for release in May, but due to time constraints, a computer meltdown, and then travel and teaching, it has been delayed. However, it should be here very soon (hopefully late May or early June!)
If you are interested, pre-orders will go up soon (as soon as I have a firmer release date). I’m very excited about this project, and I can’t wait for it to be released! A trailer will also be available by the end of May!
I hope you are as excited about this as I am. This will be my first instructional belly dance DVD, and will feature in depth knowledge of how to isolate movements for belly dance. It may seem basic at first, but not when you get into the nitty-gritty. We’ll do some anatomy instruction, so you know just what muscles you’re trying to access, then an instructional section where we focus on how to do the movements, and then drill them. There will even be an advanced drill for layering work.
Why Killer Isolations? Because isolations are crucial to belly dance. It’s what it’s all about. And crisp, clean isolations means easier layering. Do you know why layering is so hard to learn? Because you just might be using muscles that make it harder! Find out more through the DVD anatomy course!